Dr. Sorensen and the ATM Featured in Pathways Magazine

Dr. Poul Sorensen, Director of the Academy of Translational Medicine, was featured in the most recent edition of Pathways, the digital magazine from the UBC Faculty of Medicine, for his contribution to cutting-edge research and innovation.

The Feature Story highlights Dr. Sorensen and uses his groundbreaking research which led to the newly-approved anti-tumour medication Vitrakvi, as an example. Although he made discoveries contributing to this drug in the late 1990s, it took until 2018 for the cancer drug to be made available to treat cancer patients like Emma, a teenager who is now in remission from a rare and aggressive brain cancer thanks to Vitrakvi (larotrectinib). Having exhausted other treatment options, Dr. Sorensen’s research saved Emma’s life, as well as many others.

Unfortunately, the extended time it took from Vitrakvi to be developed is currently typical. In the Feature Story, Dr. Sorensen outlines why that is, challenges within the process, well as his hopes for how this can be addressed for quicker bench-to-bedside development.

“If we can make acceleration the norm, the impact on individual patients, communities and the entire health-care system would be enormous.”

With his current discovery for Ewing sarcoma under development, he highlights the importance of speeding up the process, and shares that UBC has the potential to be a world leader in said translational medicine research.

“We’re entering a golden age for translational medicine. The obstacles to building efficient, localized hubs are quickly falling away.”

Read Dr. Sorensen’s Feature Story

To help explain the process, Pathways also featured an associated Interactive Explainer “How to accelerate biomedical innovation” which highlights the ATM’s role in the solution to the problems faced.

The feature guides readers through the 6-step process, while discussing UBC’s role in addressing gaps and developing solutions across each of the six steps — to transform health for everyone.

In addition to Dr. Sorensen, the step-by-step description highlights the importance of the ATM and its team, including Dr. Dean Regier, Associate Director, Dr. Anne Steinø, Operations Director. Dr. Reigier and Steinø were also interviewed regarding the ATM Regulatory Advisory Council and its potential impacts. The ATM’s role in harnessing the regulatory process to fuel biomedical innovation is critical for accelerating the complex process.

Access the 6-step Interactive Feature

The same Pathways edition also features ATM ECR Anna Blakney in How a million doses in a single test tube can save the worldRead Dr. Blackney’s feature here.