Research could change how blood pressure is managed in spinal cord injury patients
The study findings challenge the current standard.
Drawing closer to COVID-19 treatment breakthrough
A new clinical trial led by Dr. Josef Penninger may uncover a treatment method for COVID-19 that could save countless lives worldwide
Spinal cord injury research at UBC receives $48M grant
The five-year project will revolutionize spinal cord injury treatments using innovative, implantable technologies.
Research discovery may offer new treatment options for people diagnosed with rare form of ovarian cancer
The study involves small cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type.
Patient care through invention
Biomedical engineering students create 3-D printed seatbelt device for people with limited hand dexterity.
UBC scientists sequencing the genomes of Canadians with COVID-19
Research could explain why COVID-19 is mild for some, fatal for others.
New test paves the way for tailored treatment of deadliest form of ovarian cancer
UBC faculty of medicine researchers have led an international team in developing a new test to better diagnose different types of ovarian cancer.
Researchers uncover novel approach for treating eczema
Approximately 15-20 per cent of Canadians live with some form of eczema.
UBC researchers join with partners to develop portable ultrasound scanner network for COVID-19
Scanner expected to speed up diagnoses in rural and remote areas.